Monday, November 26, 2007

WEP and WPA cracking

a brilliant program still being developed, however additions have be released.
now, i have my own network set up.
the goal of this experiment is simply to work out how to break into them.

this program had problems with my hardware, (D-link DWL-G122), however iv worked around it.
Reinjection- Dont seem to get it to work, depending on what network encryption.
deauthentification- Again, dont seem to be able to get it to work.

however, the latest problem, seems to be the cracking.

i currently have 5890 data packets on a WPA network, and dont seem to be able to crack it.
apparently, it runs on handshakes, and EAPOL, however i have no idea how to keep track of the handshakes, other than Growl, another great mac program.

i believe the best way for this to work is to recode the program, using Xcode (another, great mac program)