Monday, October 15, 2007

Bootcamp vs Parallels

What sealed the decision to get the macbook was the fact it could run both windows and mac ox.
my home pc has always been windows based, but my primary school used macs and so i could kind of remember how to use them.

now, in running both there are two options available.
Bootcamp or Parallels:

here is what i have learnt about each:


basically, on boot up it allows you to decide which operating system to run.
the problem with this is you have to restart the computer everytime you want to switch between them.
Also, it partitions the drive into 3 drives. one mac drive, one windows, and one for bootcamp files (200mb)

Now if you partition the windows part to more than 32gb, it becomes alot harder to move files.
on the NTFS system (<32gb) the only way to get files into mac is to restart in mac and copy and paste into the mac harddrive. however, you cannot remove files from the windows drive, infact they cannot be changed at all, only copied.

on FAT32 (=>32GB) you can move files from windows to mac by simply dragging it from the windows to the mac folder in mac. both harddrives can be edited in the mac os. however, you can still only see the windows harddrive when in the windows operating system.

with bootcamp, it makes things easy, by alowing you to set the size, and also by burning all the mac drivers onto a cd during the instillation process. so when you run the new operating system, all you have to do is insert the cd, and it will automatically install all the divers for the mac in windows, so that the macbook components run smoothly.


Basically emulates the operating system in a window.
it also allows you to determine how much of the systems, cpu, memory etc you wish to devote to each operating system.
it is allot easier to switch between the two operating systems though, and you dont need to reboot.


i used the bootcamp, as i do tend to play games regularly, also, to fully utilize the battery, you realy need to run mac ox, as windows only runs for 2 hours on batt, where as iv had mac ox run for 7 hours. basically mac is just more efficient.

also, with the games, bootcamp devotes the whole computer to the operating system. iv been told it is almost impossible to run graphically demanding games in parallels, due to the graphics card being used by both operating systems, and also the ram being used by both.

although, there have been some rumors that it is possible to run both bootcamp and parallels, which would be very interesting.
although i have the black macbook with the 160gb hard drive, and even now im not sure about how much space i can aford.

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